Eating the Atkins Way Must Have Special Advantages

As I’ve just said, it mobilizes more fat for use as energy than any diet you have ever encountered. In a clinical setting and countless testimonials, Atkins has repeatedly been 20 proven to take off more fat than other programs when an equal number of calories is consumed. This incredible advantage has been researched and validated
The controlled carbohydrate nutritional approach is not one of deprivation. Sheer hunger is the main reason for the failure of most weight loss efforts. A lifetime eating plan needs to be palatable, pleasant and filling. You will have to abandon sugar and other refined carbohydrates such as white flour. But most people find that once they shake off the sugar addiction, they feel no strong desire to go back to it.
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For them, a nutritional approach that allows them to eat a vast variety of meat and fish and salads and vegetables prepared in the most appetizing manner-i.e., with butter and cream and spices and herbsis anything but austere. Eating Atkins-style is a food lover’s dream come true-luxurious, healthy and varied
Atkins is the easiest way to maintain weight loss. The trouble with losing weight on a low-calorie/low-fat diet or on a liquid-protein diet is that the maintenance program is so very different from the weight loss program. So when you go back to your former way of eating, the pounds return with astonishing speed because you are unprepared for maintenance.
What’s Wrong With Carbohydrates?
If you mean what’s wrong with a spear of broccoli or a bunch of spinach, the answer is nothing, they’re magnificent foods. When I speak negatively of carbohydrates, I’m referring to the unhealthy ones-those lurking in the sugar bowl and the bin of white flour, along with milk, white rice and processed and refined foods of all kinds. I also must include concentrates, such as fruit juices.
During the weight loss phase of Atkins, even your intake of potentially healthy carbohydrates such as fruits and whole grains must be controlled. Once you’ve bid adieu to your extra pounds, you can return to fruits and some starches to the degree that they won’t upset your metabolism and reactivate the cravings that result in weight gain. But the refined and processed foods I’ve just mentioned simply aren’t good for you-ever.
A Short History Lesson
Let me assure you that eating meat, fish and fowl isn’t a health hardship-it’s what humans have eaten for millions of years. People ate much the same way in the nineteenth century. They were 22 beef and pork eaters and their use of butter and eggs was unrestricted. In fact, the two most widely consumed fats of all were lard and beef tallow. Feel free to visit to know more about – whealthtips
The Perils of Sugar
The net result was that sugar intake, which had averaged 12 pounds a year per person in 1828, was nearly ten times that in 1928. Remember, too, that if you don’t take your sugar straight, you’ll find it already sprinkled into a thousand different foods and beverages before they come to your table. There are marked similarities in the diet eaten in all the world’s developed countries, so, for now, I’ll just mention some statistics for the United States. Once you understand what healthy eating can be like, you’ll find them as bizarre and shocking as I do.